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Digital Equity
part of the Education Reform Network
Digital Equity logo

Digital Equity addresses inequitable access to learning technology resources for all learners.

The Five Dimensions of Digital Equity

Sometimes people interested in the field don’t have enough time for a major research that will help with acquiring necessary information, so they simply give up and and find someone who would do the work for them. However, when they order term papers or ask somebody to give them a “shortened version”, explaining the key points of the field, they still don’t understand that it’s impossible to make the path of learning both simple and quick.

These dimensions have been chosen as fundamental categories by educators and professionals working in the field. If you are just beginning to learn about this field then these categories should help you address your basic needs.

  1. Technology resources
    Access to learning technology resources (hardware, software, wiring and connectivity)
  2. Quality content
    Access to high quality digital content
  3. Culturally responsive content
    Access to high quality, culturally relevant content
  4. Effective use
    Educators skilled in using these resources effectively for teaching and learning
  5. Content creation
    Opportunities for learners and educators to create their own content

As your needs become more specific you may want to start browsing the card catalog to find more narrowly focused sets of resources. We recommend that you take our tour before you begin.

The Digital Equity Toolkit points educators to free and inexpensive, high quality resources that help address the digital divide in the classroom and community.

In collaboration with CDW-G (and soon, several other major vendors), NICI's Digital Equity Service Center is offering deep discounts on the full range of computers, peripherals, software and accessories for low-income learners and their educators and families, members of collaborating professional associations, educators in rural school systems in states that are not yet assisting small districts to pool their buying power, and homeschoolers. Please go to “Our Store” at

You can subscribe to the free, moderated Digital Equity listserv no more than two messages are posted on any given day, with an average of one posting weekly about digital equity research, funding, strategies and resources.

NICI's Digital Equity Service Center also offers the full resources of the nonprofit international Virtual Library Co-op, which provides unlimited access to a vast array of academic content across the K12 and postsecondary curriculum for educators and learners. The Co-op's twofold mission is to bring such "Deep Web" academic resources to the attention and use of educators and students and to drive down the cost by providing content only from providers who agree to lower their cost per person as Co-op membership grows. The annual membership cost is US$12 for individuals and $7/person for groups of 20 or more.