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  • African Voices
    African Voices is an exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History that examines the diversity, dynamism, and global influence of Africa's peoples and cultures over time in the realms of family, work, community,and the natural environment.
  • Art and Life in Africa Online
    Art and Life in Africa Online contains information about African Art and Culture.Includes units on recontextualizing African Art in all aspects of life in Africa;essays on African History; photo essays; and additional resources.
  • Thirteen Ed Online
    Starting with tried-and-true lessons that work in the classroom, Web-savvy teachers have built Web-based activities that use the rich resources of Thirteen/WNET New York and the Internet.
  • Xpeditions at National Geographic-Lesson Plans
    Lesson plans aligned to U.S. National Geography Standards, organized by grade level and Standards.