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Digital Equity
part of the Education Reform Network
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  • Handhelds in the Classroom
    Four schools share their experiences with portable digital assistants, AKA handhelds.
  • Low-Income and Underserved Americans
    An audit analyzing who is underserved by the Internet; current online content related to underserved; and roadmap for action for change.
  • NetDay Compass
    NetDayCompass is the first comprehensive education technology web site designed for technology decision-makers working in K-12 schools. The central feature of NetDayCompass is a directory of high-quality educational resources designed to help schools maximize technology investments.
  • Spanning the Digital Divide: Understanding and Tackling the Issues
    This report provides a survey of what is known and what is being done about international and domestic digital divides, highlights trends, and draws some conclusions about what more is needed to tackle the range of problems.