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Language Arts
CIESE Online Classroom Projects
CIESE sponsors and designs interdisciplinary projects that teachers throughout the world can use to enhance their curriculum through compelling use of the Internet.
Clickable Poems
Clickable Poems is electronic hypertext linking poetry, history and culture. Learn about living and dead poets, and create poems.
EDSITEment: The Best of the Humanities on the Web
The purpose of EDSITEment is to offer a gateway for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies. EDSITEment is the product of a partnership of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Council of the Great City Schools, WorldCom Foundation and the National Trust for the Humanities.
Intel Education: Unit & Project Plans
Get ideas to engage students from unit and project plans developed by teachers in the Intel_ Teach to the Future program.
Lesson Plans from EDSITEment
Humanities-related lessons organized by grade-level and topics (Literature and Language Arts; Foreign Language; Art and Culture; History and Social Studies).
The Annenberg/CPB Channel
The Annenberg/CPB Channel is a digital satellite channel of free educational programming for schools, colleges, and communities. The Channel is produced by Annenberg/CPB in association with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Thirteen Ed Online
Starting with tried-and-true lessons that work in the classroom, Web-savvy teachers have built Web-based activities that use the rich resources of Thirteen/WNET New York and the Internet.
Women's History Workshop
Web-based curricular modules on women's studies and United States history for use in history, English, and social studies courses, grades 3 through 12. Also includes workshops for teachers on Women's History topics.
Xpeditions at National Geographic-Lesson Plans
Lesson plans aligned to U.S. National Geography Standards, organized by grade level and Standards.