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Maryland Teacher Technology Outcomes
Technology competencies that all teacher candidates need to achieve prior to graduation.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers for Technology (PT3)
Site of University of Arkansas at Little Rock's PT3 project, which is working to build strategies for improving the technology proficiency of future teachers.
A education/business community partnership to train, and retain teachers in the K-12 urban environments.
Show-Me Tomorrow's Teachers Using Technology
Show-Me Tomorrow's Teachers Using Technology is a three-year grant project shared by Southwest Missouri State University's College of Natural and Applied Sciences and College of Education.
Skillful Educators
Showcases professional development programs where educators develop and refine the ability to be successful "digital age teachers.".
Teacher Preparation STaR Chart
Interactive Teacher Preparation School Technology and Readiness (STaR) Chart, is a self-assessment tool designed to enable schools, colleges, and departments of education assess their level of readiness in preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology. Complete an online, multiple-choice questionnaire that will provide you with instant feedback on how well your teacher preparation program is doing in this process.
West Georgia PT3 Grant
Site describes State University of West Georgia's PT3 project. Includes "Background", "Partners" and links to related websites.