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Digital Equity
part of the Education Reform Network
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Digital Divide

  • Bridging the Digital Divide: The Impact of Race on Computer Access and Internet Use
    A research project investigates the differences in computer access between whites and African American in the US.
  • CyberSisters
    A mentoring program that links middle school girls with University of Oregon and Oregon State University women mentors. Mentors use e-mail and face-to-face contact to encourage communication.
  • Digital Divide Resources
    Resources, articles, projects, people and businesses that help define the breadth of "digital divide" and gain an understanding of what needs to be done to increase digital equity. Includes background documents, statistics and fact sheets.
  • Intel Computer Clubhouse
    Designed to motivate and inspire young people through creating ideas and opportunities in technology in underserved communities.
  • Knowability
    Knowbility promotes barrier free Information Technology - creating greater access to I.T. opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities.
  • Learning With Technology in Six Communitites
    This report summarizes findings from case studies of the Department of Education's Community Technology Centers program. The final section of the report presents an analysis of program results and challenges common to the community technology centers.
  • Penguin Enrolls in U.S. Schools
    More and more schools are using Linux as the prefered operating system software because it is very low cost and can be downloaded free from the Internet. Statements from schools who are using Linux testify to its success.
  • Web-based Education Commission
    The Commission was established to develop policy recommendations to maximize the education promise of the Internet for pre-K through postsecondary. "Charting the Future of Learning in the Internet Age" can help direct responses to challenges brought about by the Internet.