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Best Online Resources For Women and Minorities in Science and Technology
Extensive list of projects, research, non-profits and programs related to women and minorities in science and technology. Links provide easy access to resources.
FIRST is committed to reaching as many students as possible to create excitement for science and technology.They provide resources for organizing robotics competition.
Intel Education: Design & Discovery
Design and Discovery is a free curriculum and supporting resources for implementing a program to interest youth ages 11-14 in design and engineering. The curriculum provides a hands-on, inquiry-based experience with identifying and designing creative solutions to everyday problems in the designed and engineered world.
Land of Plenty: Diversity as America's Competitive Edge in Science, Engineering and Technology
To better meet the needs of the U.S. economy, the Commission makes recommendations for removing barriers that impede many Americans from filling science, engineering and technology jobs.
Lego Robolab
The ROBOLAB software, jointly developed by National Instruments, Tufts University, and LEGO Dacta, is engineered for the classroom and teaches basic computer programming, robotics, and automation skills.
SWE Guide to Sharing Engineering With Girls and Young Women
Guide provides ideas and information on presenting "engineering" to students, such as speaking tips,safety, and students' maturity level in each grade.
Teaching Tomorrow's Technology Today
Project Lead the Way provides resources for schools to prepare diverse students to be successful in engineering and engineering technology programs. Resources include high school curriculum,staff development for teachers and counselors,newsletter and partnerships.
Welcome to Pitsco.com!
Commercial site designed to help teachers motivate students with exciting activities and classroom tools.