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Educational Support Personnel
A Math Dictionary For Kids
An animated, interactive dictionary for students which explains over 400 common mathematical terms in simple language.
Activites for ESL Students
Over 1,000 activities in 28 different languages to help students learn English. Activities include games, puzzles and quizes.
ADA Technical Assistance Program
The ADA Technical Assistance Program has been in existence since 1992, shortly after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since its inception, the Program has consisted of a diverse array of projects to further the understanding and implementation of the Act.
Artic Studies Center
The Arctic Studies Center is the only U.S. government program with a special focus on northern cultural research and education.
AskA+ Locator
AskA+ LocatorThis directory of online question answering services (AskA) is "designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet." Each service listing includes identification information (e.g., publisher, e-mail address, contact name, and links), scope, target audience, and a general description of the service. Searchable and browsable.
Assessment, Assessment Rubrics and Evaluation Guidelines
This website is a collection of assessment tips and tools, to help in developing, adapting, and adopting assessments that detail what teachers expect students to learn and evaluate what they have mastered for any given lesson.
Can Do!
The Can Do! web site offers stories, activities, and resources to help create a better understanding and deeper appreciation of how people can overcome their challenges and reach their dreams by using their abilities and a "can-do" attitude.
Classroom Support
Classroom SupportThese resources help education professionals assess skill levels for both teachers and students, and set grade-appropriate goals for students. This section also includes links to education information, provides teachers with ideas for technology-based lesson plans, and includes the tools necessary for creating appropriate use policies for these new technologies.
Computer Literacy Course Tutorial
Computer Literacy Course TutorialHalifax Regional CAP Association 2001This is a course, on line, and also on a cd that takes teachers through the basics of the Internet.These materials have been developed by the Standardised Materials Training Team of the Halifax Regional CAP Association.
Computer Technology Can Empower Students with Learning Disabilities
The Center for Applied Special Technology assists a family to identify appropriate technology for home and school use by a learning disabled son.
Convergent Learning
The Resource for Education Technology Leaders focusing on K-12 educators. Site contains a Software Reviews and Announcement Database, articles from Technology&Learning Magazine, articles from Educators in Educators' Outlook, Events and Contests listings, Reader suggested Web sites, and weekly news updates on education technology leaders.
Digital Divide Series
Based on a two-part series for PBS about the digital divide, it is possible to explore the issues of classrooms, gender, race and at work through interaction, voices and links.
ED Office of Educational Technology
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology (OET) develops national educational technology policy and implements this policy through Department-wide educational technology programs.
EDSITEment: The Best of the Humanities on the Web
The purpose of EDSITEment is to offer a gateway for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies. EDSITEment is the product of a partnership of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Council of the Great City Schools, WorldCom Foundation and the National Trust for the Humanities.
Extensive collection of briefly annotated links for teachers, administrators, and parents, organized into categories, or browse an alphabetical subject/keyword list. Includes specific subjects (animals, science, etc.) as well as specialized educational resources (home schooling, standards&assessment, etc.).
EduPuppy.com - Everything for Early Childhood Education Preschool - Grade 2
Designed to assist early childhood professionals, links to resources are grouped into categories that include subjects, software, projects, role groups, etc.
Edutopia On-line
The Foundation documents and disseminates the most exciting classrooms where innovations are taking place. It is hoped that by spotlighting inspiring teachers and students, others will consider change.
Empowering 21st Century Teachers
Home page for Milwaukee Public School's PT3 project. Includes project information, reports, activities and resources.
ESL Independent Study Lab
The ESL Center, housed at Lewis and Clark University in Portland, OR,contains speaking and listening exercises and activities that promote learning English as a second language.
Google Labs
This experimental site from the Google search engine "showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time." Play with keyboard shortcuts, telephone searching, a glossary (thesaurus), and more.http://labs.google.com/.
Implementing Technology
A comprehensive site that is designed to help educators to find the best ways to use technology to enhance teaching and learning. Chapters include Framing the Context; Classroom Stories;Technology as a Teaching Tool; Technology Training and Support;Selected Resources.
Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students
This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other study materials.
International Education and Resource Network - iEARN
iEARN is a non-profit global network that enables young people to use the Internet and other new technologies to engage in collaborative educational projects that both enhance learning and make a difference in the world. Site contains student magazine and examples of projects.
Journey North:A Global Study of Wildlife Migration
Project uses media and communications to improve math and science education. Journey North tracks a dozen migratory species each spring.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is a categorized list of sites useful for enhancing curriculum and professional growth. It is updated often to include the best sites for teaching and learning.
Maryland Teacher Technology Outcomes
Technology competencies that all teacher candidates need to achieve prior to graduation.
Math WebQuests
A presentation from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual meeting. Includes math projects which use Internet resources to obtain relevant data.
Museum-School Connections in the Digital age
Article describes different ways museums are enhancing classroom learning via virtual experiences.
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers Project
National Educational Technology Standards for teachers identifies what teachers should know about and be able to do with technology. Provides models for incorporating technology in teacher preparation programs and promising practices for preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology effectively for improving learning.
National Institute for Community Innovations
The mission of NICI is to foster local economic and social well-being through educational innovation. Contains resources related to equity, higher education, banks, business, K-12 schools, libraries, and technology.
Native American Indian Themes in Children's Books
Managed by children's book author Cynthia Leitich Smith, this site offers original articles, bibliographies, interviews, publishing community news, an online quarterly newsletter, and curriculum information. Information deals with depictions of Native Americans in literature in user-friendly manner.
NetDay Compass
NetDayCompass is the first comprehensive education technology web site designed for technology decision-makers working in K-12 schools. The central feature of NetDayCompass is a directory of high-quality educational resources designed to help schools maximize technology investments.
Reality Check 2001
This "Reality Check" survey was done in 2001 and asked questions of students, parents and teachers about standardized testing.
Renaissance:What inspired this age of balance and order?
Explore the Renaissance through reading and interactive activities. Historical topics include Ot of the Middle Ages; Exploration and Trade; Printing and Thinking; Symmetry,Shape and Size; Focus on Florence.
River of Song
The Mississippi: River of Song is a Smithsonian series on contemporary music along the Mississipi River.
SchoolTech Expo - Professional Development for Education Technology Leaders
Highlights upcoming professional development conferences for education technology leaders. Also includes handouts from past conferences.
Secretary's Conference on Educational Technology:Measuring Impacts and Shaping the Future
Summary of discussion at the second national conference held in Sept. 2000, dealing with the questions: What constitutes effective use of technology in learning?;Will we recognize effective uses of technology when we see them?;What conditions must be in place in schools?;How to report progress?; What policy roadmap will help?; What can we learn from business and industry?.
Seeing Past a Child's Disability: One Parent's View of Universal Design for Learning
Through efforts by her mother,Kathryn,a child with numerous disabilities, was able to use technology to explore her world, learn at school and home, and to be creative.Her mother continues working with schools to help disabled children.
Skillful Educators
Showcases professional development programs where educators develop and refine the ability to be successful "digital age teachers.".
SuperKids Educational Software Review.
SuperKids is a commercial site designed for parents and teachers who want reviews and ratings of educational software. Also includes practical and fun tools for online and offline use and news about important educational issues.
Surfing for the Best Search Engine Teaching Techniques!
Learn how easy it is to teach your kids how to surf the Web, painlessly! Strategies for teaching the skill of Internet searching.
Teacher's Lab
Teachers Lab; a place for teachers to explore new ideas in learning Science, and Math.
Techies Pledge Help for Schools
SchoolTone Alliance consists of high tech businesses from the Bay Area dedicated to addressing the technology needs of schools. This article describes a meeting held at the Exploritorium.
Technology & Innovations in Education (TIE)
Technology and Innovations in Education is a statewide project providing leadership for So. Dakota schools in technology and school reform.
Technology Counts '98
Technology Counts '99: Building the Digital Curriculum
Technology Foundation Standards for Students
The technology foundation standards for students are divided into six broad categories. Teachers can use these standards and profiles as guidelines for planning technology-based activities in which students achieve success in learning, communication, and life skills.
Technology,Children and the Power of the Heart
Describes a strategy for involving children with technology to take advantage of children's natural ability, enthusiasm and willingness to master new skills.
The Teachers Internet Use Guide
This Web site helps teachers design, develop, and implement Internet-based lessons that are aligned with Texas state standards.