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Bridging the Digital Divide: The Impact of Race on Computer Access and Internet Use
A research project investigates the differences in computer access between whites and African American in the US.
Bridging the Home and School: A Case Study
In today's society, there are many new technologies that educators have at their disposal to use both inside and outside of theclassroom. One such technology was the focus of the first stage of an on-going project on the "open school" model.
Create a Graph
An interactive website where the user selects one of four types of graphs to generate. The user then plugs in data, and sees a graph representing the data.
Federal Reserve Bank Education
The Bank's mission in education is to promote economic and financial literacy and a greater understanding of the role of the Federal Reserve System through the development of educational programs and instructional materials which promote active learning. Site inlcudes resources for teachers, and programs for students.
Ice Machine, Steamboats, and Education: Structural Change and Educational Technologies
This 16-page "white paper" explores where we are in the information revolution,characteristics of the change process and where this change is going.
Latinos, Computers and the Internet
A comprehensive fact sheet about Latinos and the digital divide. Includes information about Internet access, computers at home and technology used in employment.
Listing of Standards for Tech Literacy
Twenty standards to guide educators, schools and programs to prepare students to be technologically literate.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives:Interactive Mathematics
An extensive collection of Standards-based virtual math manipulatives with activities, organized by grade level and math topic.
Pew Internet Project: Our Latest Reports
Link to "More Online, Doing More" a report about Internet usage. Chapters on changing population, time spent online, expanding online activities and methodology.
Technology Counts '98
Technology Counts '99: Building the Digital Curriculum
The Impact of Education Technology on Student Achievement
Eleven page outline of current research findings about the impact of educational technology on learning, and lists resources for further study.